How to build type annotations
With your personal assistant (recommended)
# run builder and chat with him :)
uvx mypy_boto3_builder
# set library version explicitly for better results
uvx --with 'boto3==1.35.71' mypy-boto3-builder
With CLI
# Install preferred version of `boto3`
python -m pip install boto3==1.35.71 botocore==1.35.71
# Install `mypy-boto3-builder`
python -m pip install mypy-boto3-builder
# Build all packages in typings directory
python -m mypy_boto3_builder ./typings --product types-boto3 types-boto3-services --output-type wheel
# Or specify required services explicitly
python -m mypy_boto3_builder ./typings --product types-boto3 types-boto3-services --output-type wheel -s ec2 s3
# Install custom `types-boto3` packages
python -m pip install ./typings/*.whl
With Docker image
- Install Docker
- Pull latest
version and tag it
docker pull
docker tag mypy_boto3_builder
- Generate stubs in
mkdir output
# generate stubs for all services
docker run -v `pwd`/output:/output -ti mypy_boto3_builder_stable
# generate stubs for s3 service
docker run -v `pwd`/output:/output -ti mypy_boto3_builder_stable -s s3
# generate stubs for a specific boto3 version
docker run -e BOTO3_VERSION=1.35.71 BOTOCORE_VERSION=1.35.71 -v `pwd`/output:/output -ti mypy_boto3_builder_stable
- Install packages from
directory as described above