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Auto-generated documentation for Glacier type annotations stubs module types-boto3-glacier.


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier"), included resources and collections. boto3 documentation

# GlacierServiceResource usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import GlacierServiceResource

def get_glacier_resource() -> GlacierServiceResource:
    return boto3.resource("glacier")


  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

  • vaults: ServiceResourceVaultsCollection



Provides access to Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").vaults collection. boto3 documentation

# ServiceResourceVaultsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import ServiceResourceVaultsCollection

def get_collection() -> ServiceResourceVaultsCollection:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").vaults


GlacierServiceResource.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

GlacierServiceResource.create_vault method#

This operation creates a new vault with the specified name.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").create_vault method. boto3 documentation

# create_vault method definition

def create_vault(
    vaultName: str,
    accountId: str = '-',
) -> _Vault:
# create_vault method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateVaultInputServiceResourceCreateVaultTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "vaultName": ...,

  1. See CreateVaultInputServiceResourceCreateVaultTypeDef

GlacierServiceResource.Account method#

Creates a Account resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Account method. boto3 documentation

# Account method definition

def Account(
    id: str,
) -> _Account:

GlacierServiceResource.Archive method#

Creates a Archive resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Archive method. boto3 documentation

# Archive method definition

def Archive(
    account_id: str,
    vault_name: str,
    id: str,
) -> _Archive:

GlacierServiceResource.Job method#

Creates a Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Job method. boto3 documentation

# Job method definition

def Job(
    account_id: str,
    vault_name: str,
    id: str,
) -> _Job:

GlacierServiceResource.MultipartUpload method#

Creates a MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").MultipartUpload method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload method definition

def MultipartUpload(
    account_id: str,
    vault_name: str,
    id: str,
) -> _MultipartUpload:

GlacierServiceResource.Notification method#

Creates a Notification resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Notification method. boto3 documentation

# Notification method definition

def Notification(
    account_id: str,
    vault_name: str,
) -> _Notification:

GlacierServiceResource.Vault method#

Creates a Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault method. boto3 documentation

# Vault method definition

def Vault(
    account_id: str,
    name: str,
) -> _Vault:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Account class. boto3 documentation

# Account usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import Account

def get_resource() -> Account:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").Account(...)

Account attributes#

  • id: str
  • vaults: AccountVaultsCollection
  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

Account collections#


Provides access to Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Account(...).vaults collection. boto3 documentation

# AccountVaultsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import AccountVaultsCollection

def get_collection() -> AccountVaultsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Account(...)
    return resource.vaults

Account methods#

Account.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Account.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Account.create_vault method#

This operation creates a new vault with the specified name.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").create_vault method. boto3 documentation

# create_vault method definition

def create_vault(
    vaultName: str,
) -> _Vault:
# create_vault method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateVaultInputAccountCreateVaultTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "vaultName": ...,

  1. See CreateVaultInputAccountCreateVaultTypeDef

Account.Vault method#

Creates a Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault method. boto3 documentation

# Vault method definition

def Vault(
    name: str,
) -> _Vault:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Archive class. boto3 documentation

# Archive usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import Archive

def get_resource() -> Archive:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").Archive(...)

Archive attributes#

  • account_id: str
  • vault_name: str
  • id: str
  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

Archive methods#

Archive.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Archive.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Archive.delete method#

This operation deletes an archive from a vault.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
) -> None:

Archive.initiate_archive_retrieval method#

This operation initiates a job of the specified type, which can be a select, an archival retrieval, or a vault retrieval.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").initiate_archive_retrieval method. boto3 documentation

# initiate_archive_retrieval method definition

def initiate_archive_retrieval(
) -> _Job:

Archive.Vault method#

Creates a Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault method. boto3 documentation

# Vault method definition

def Vault(
) -> _Vault:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Job class. boto3 documentation

# Job usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import Job

def get_resource() -> Job:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").Job(...)

Job attributes#

  • account_id: str
  • vault_name: str
  • id: str
  • job_id: str
  • job_description: str
  • action: ActionCodeType
  • archive_id: str
  • vault_arn: str
  • creation_date: str
  • completed: bool
  • status_code: StatusCodeType
  • status_message: str
  • archive_size_in_bytes: int
  • inventory_size_in_bytes: int
  • sns_topic: str
  • completion_date: str
  • sha256_tree_hash: str
  • archive_sha256_tree_hash: str
  • retrieval_byte_range: str
  • tier: str
  • inventory_retrieval_parameters: InventoryRetrievalJobDescriptionTypeDef
  • job_output_path: str
  • select_parameters: SelectParametersTypeDef
  • output_location: OutputLocationOutputTypeDef
  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

Job methods#

Job.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Job.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Job.get_output method#

This operation downloads the output of the job you initiated using InitiateJob.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_output method. boto3 documentation

# get_output method definition

def get_output(
    range: str = ...,
) -> GetJobOutputOutputTypeDef:  # (1)
  1. See GetJobOutputOutputTypeDef
# get_output method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: GetJobOutputInputJobGetOutputTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "range": ...,

  1. See GetJobOutputInputJobGetOutputTypeDef

Job.Vault method#

Creates a Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault method. boto3 documentation

# Vault method definition

def Vault(
) -> _Vault:

Job.load method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

Job.reload method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").MultipartUpload class. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import MultipartUpload

def get_resource() -> MultipartUpload:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").MultipartUpload(...)

MultipartUpload attributes#

  • account_id: str
  • vault_name: str
  • id: str
  • multipart_upload_id: str
  • vault_arn: str
  • archive_description: str
  • part_size_in_bytes: int
  • creation_date: str
  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

MultipartUpload methods#

MultipartUpload.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this MultipartUpload.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

MultipartUpload.abort method#

This operation aborts a multipart upload identified by the upload ID.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").abort method. boto3 documentation

# abort method definition

def abort(
) -> None:

MultipartUpload.complete method#

You call this operation to inform Amazon S3 Glacier (Glacier) that all the archive parts have been uploaded and that Glacier can now assemble the archive from the uploaded parts.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").complete method. boto3 documentation

# complete method definition

def complete(
    archiveSize: str = ...,
    checksum: str = ...,
) -> ArchiveCreationOutputTypeDef:  # (1)
  1. See ArchiveCreationOutputTypeDef
# complete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CompleteMultipartUploadInputMultipartUploadCompleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "archiveSize": ...,

  1. See CompleteMultipartUploadInputMultipartUploadCompleteTypeDef method#

This operation lists the parts of an archive that have been uploaded in a specific multipart upload.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").parts method. boto3 documentation

# parts method definition

def parts(
    marker: str = ...,
    limit: str = ...,
) -> ListPartsOutputTypeDef:  # (1)
  1. See ListPartsOutputTypeDef
# parts method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ListPartsInputMultipartUploadPartsTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "marker": ...,
  1. See ListPartsInputMultipartUploadPartsTypeDef

MultipartUpload.upload_part method#

This operation uploads a part of an archive.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").upload_part method. boto3 documentation

# upload_part method definition

def upload_part(
    checksum: str = ...,
    range: str = ...,
    body: BlobTypeDef = ...,
) -> UploadMultipartPartOutputTypeDef:  # (1)
  1. See UploadMultipartPartOutputTypeDef
# upload_part method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: UploadMultipartPartInputMultipartUploadUploadPartTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "checksum": ...,

  1. See UploadMultipartPartInputMultipartUploadUploadPartTypeDef

MultipartUpload.Vault method#

Creates a Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault method. boto3 documentation

# Vault method definition

def Vault(
) -> _Vault:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Notification class. boto3 documentation

# Notification usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import Notification

def get_resource() -> Notification:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").Notification(...)

Notification attributes#

  • account_id: str
  • vault_name: str
  • sns_topic: str
  • events: List[str]
  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

Notification methods#

Notification.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Notification.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Notification.delete method#

This operation deletes the notification configuration set for a vault.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
) -> None:

Notification.set method#

This operation configures notifications that will be sent when specific events happen to a vault.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").set method. boto3 documentation

# set method definition

def set(
    vaultNotificationConfig: VaultNotificationConfigUnionTypeDef = ...,  # (1)
) -> None:
  1. See VaultNotificationConfigTypeDef VaultNotificationConfigOutputTypeDef
# set method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: SetVaultNotificationsInputNotificationSetTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "vaultNotificationConfig": ...,

  1. See SetVaultNotificationsInputNotificationSetTypeDef

Notification.Vault method#

Creates a Vault resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault method. boto3 documentation

# Vault method definition

def Vault(
) -> _Vault:

Notification.load method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

Notification.reload method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault class. boto3 documentation

# Vault usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import Vault

def get_resource() -> Vault:
    return boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)

Vault attributes#

  • account_id: str
  • name: str
  • completed_jobs: VaultCompletedJobsCollection
  • failed_jobs: VaultFailedJobsCollection
  • jobs: VaultJobsCollection
  • jobs_in_progress: VaultJobsInProgressCollection
  • multipart_uplaods: VaultMultipartUplaodsCollection
  • multipart_uploads: VaultMultipartUploadsCollection
  • succeeded_jobs: VaultSucceededJobsCollection
  • vault_arn: str
  • vault_name: str
  • creation_date: str
  • last_inventory_date: str
  • number_of_archives: int
  • size_in_bytes: int
  • meta: GlacierResourceMeta

Vault collections#


Provides access to Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).completed_jobs collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultCompletedJobsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultCompletedJobsCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultCompletedJobsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)
    return resource.completed_jobs


Provides access to Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).failed_jobs collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultFailedJobsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultFailedJobsCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultFailedJobsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)
    return resource.failed_jobs

Provides access to Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).jobs collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultJobsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultJobsCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultJobsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)


Provides access to Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).jobs_in_progress collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultJobsInProgressCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultJobsInProgressCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultJobsInProgressCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)
    return resource.jobs_in_progress


Provides access to MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).multipart_uplaods collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultMultipartUplaodsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultMultipartUplaodsCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultMultipartUplaodsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)
    return resource.multipart_uplaods


Provides access to MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).multipart_uploads collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultMultipartUploadsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultMultipartUploadsCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultMultipartUploadsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)
    return resource.multipart_uploads


Provides access to Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...).succeeded_jobs collection. boto3 documentation

# VaultSucceededJobsCollection usage example

from types_boto3_glacier.service_resource import VaultSucceededJobsCollection

def get_collection() -> VaultSucceededJobsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("glacier").Vault(...)
    return resource.succeeded_jobs

Vault methods#

Vault.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Vault.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Vault.create method#

This operation creates a new vault with the specified name.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").create method. boto3 documentation

# create method definition

def create(
) -> CreateVaultOutputTypeDef:  # (1)
  1. See CreateVaultOutputTypeDef

Vault.delete method#

This operation deletes a vault.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
) -> None:

Vault.initiate_inventory_retrieval method#

This operation initiates a job of the specified type, which can be a select, an archival retrieval, or a vault retrieval.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").initiate_inventory_retrieval method. boto3 documentation

# initiate_inventory_retrieval method definition

def initiate_inventory_retrieval(
) -> _Job:

Vault.initiate_multipart_upload method#

This operation initiates a multipart upload.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").initiate_multipart_upload method. boto3 documentation

# initiate_multipart_upload method definition

def initiate_multipart_upload(
    archiveDescription: str = ...,
    partSize: str = ...,
) -> _MultipartUpload:
# initiate_multipart_upload method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: InitiateMultipartUploadInputVaultInitiateMultipartUploadTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "archiveDescription": ...,

  1. See InitiateMultipartUploadInputVaultInitiateMultipartUploadTypeDef

Vault.upload_archive method#

This operation adds an archive to a vault.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").upload_archive method. boto3 documentation

# upload_archive method definition

def upload_archive(
    archiveDescription: str = ...,
    checksum: str = ...,
    body: BlobTypeDef = ...,
) -> _Archive:
# upload_archive method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: UploadArchiveInputVaultUploadArchiveTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "archiveDescription": ...,

  1. See UploadArchiveInputVaultUploadArchiveTypeDef

Vault.Account method#

Creates a Account resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Account method. boto3 documentation

# Account method definition

def Account(
) -> _Account:

Vault.Archive method#

Creates a Archive resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Archive method. boto3 documentation

# Archive method definition

def Archive(
    id: str,
) -> _Archive:

Vault.Job method#

Creates a Job resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Job method. boto3 documentation

# Job method definition

def Job(
    id: str,
) -> _Job:

Vault.MultipartUpload method#

Creates a MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").MultipartUpload method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload method definition

def MultipartUpload(
    id: str,
) -> _MultipartUpload:

Vault.Notification method#

Creates a Notification resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").Notification method. boto3 documentation

# Notification method definition

def Notification(
) -> _Notification:

Vault.load method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

Vault.reload method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("glacier").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None: