Index > PartnerCentralSellingAPI > Literals
Auto-generated documentation for PartnerCentralSellingAPI type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-partnercentral-selling.
# AwsClosedLostReasonType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import AwsClosedLostReasonType
def get_value() -> AwsClosedLostReasonType:
return "Administrative"
# AwsClosedLostReasonType definition
AwsClosedLostReasonType = Literal[
"Business Associate Agreement",
"Company Acquired/Dissolved",
"Competitive Offering",
"Customer Data Requirement",
"Customer Deficiency",
"Customer Experience",
"Delay / Cancellation of Project",
"Duplicate Opportunity",
"Executive Blocker",
"Failed Vetting",
"Feature Limitation",
"Insufficient Amazon Value",
"Insufficient AWS Value",
"International Constraints",
"Legal / Tax / Regulatory",
"Legal Terms and Conditions",
"Lost to Competitor",
"Lost to Competitor - Google",
"Lost to Competitor - Microsoft",
"Lost to Competitor - Other",
"Lost to Competitor - Rackspace",
"Lost to Competitor - SoftLayer",
"Lost to Competitor - VMWare",
"No Customer Reference",
"No Integration Resources",
"No Opportunity",
"No Perceived Value of MP",
"No Response",
"No Update",
"Not Committed to AWS",
"On Premises Deployment",
"Other (Details in Description)",
"Partner Gap",
"Past Due",
"Platform Technology Limitation",
"Preference for Competitor",
"Product Not on AWS",
"Security / Compliance",
"Technical Limitations",
"Term Sheet Impasse",
# AwsFundingUsedType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import AwsFundingUsedType
def get_value() -> AwsFundingUsedType:
return "No"
# AwsFundingUsedType definition
AwsFundingUsedType = Literal[
# AwsMemberBusinessTitleType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import AwsMemberBusinessTitleType
def get_value() -> AwsMemberBusinessTitleType:
return "AWSAccountOwner"
# AwsMemberBusinessTitleType definition
AwsMemberBusinessTitleType = Literal[
# AwsOpportunityStageType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import AwsOpportunityStageType
def get_value() -> AwsOpportunityStageType:
return "Building Integration"
# AwsOpportunityStageType definition
AwsOpportunityStageType = Literal[
"Building Integration",
"Business Validation",
"Closed Incomplete",
"Closed Lost",
"Contract Negotiation",
"Deferred to Partner",
"In Progress",
"Not Started",
"Seller Engaged",
"Seller Registered",
"Technical Validation",
"Term Sheet Negotiation",
# ChannelType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ChannelType
def get_value() -> ChannelType:
return "AWS Marketing Central"
# ChannelType definition
ChannelType = Literal[
"AWS Marketing Central",
"Content Syndication",
"Live Event",
"Out Of Home (OOH)",
"Virtual Event",
# ClosedLostReasonType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ClosedLostReasonType
def get_value() -> ClosedLostReasonType:
return "Customer Deficiency"
# ClosedLostReasonType definition
ClosedLostReasonType = Literal[
"Customer Deficiency",
"Customer Experience",
"Delay / Cancellation of Project",
"Legal / Tax / Regulatory",
"Lost to Competitor - Google",
"Lost to Competitor - Microsoft",
"Lost to Competitor - Other",
"Lost to Competitor - SoftLayer",
"Lost to Competitor - VMWare",
"No Opportunity",
"On Premises Deployment",
"Partner Gap",
"Security / Compliance",
"Technical Limitations",
# CompetitorNameType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import CompetitorNameType
def get_value() -> CompetitorNameType:
return "*Other"
# CompetitorNameType definition
CompetitorNameType = Literal[
"Google Cloud Platform",
"IBM Softlayer",
"Microsoft Azure",
"No Competition",
"Oracle Cloud",
"Other- Cost Optimization",
# CountryCodeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import CountryCodeType
def get_value() -> CountryCodeType:
return "AD"
# CountryCodeType definition
CountryCodeType = Literal[
# CurrencyCodeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import CurrencyCodeType
def get_value() -> CurrencyCodeType:
return "AED"
# CurrencyCodeType definition
CurrencyCodeType = Literal[
# DeliveryModelType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import DeliveryModelType
def get_value() -> DeliveryModelType:
return "BYOL or AMI"
# DeliveryModelType definition
DeliveryModelType = Literal[
"BYOL or AMI",
"Managed Services",
"Professional Services",
"SaaS or PaaS",
# EngagementInvitationPayloadTypeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import EngagementInvitationPayloadTypeType
def get_value() -> EngagementInvitationPayloadTypeType:
return "OpportunityInvitation"
# EngagementInvitationPayloadTypeType definition
EngagementInvitationPayloadTypeType = Literal[
# EngagementScoreType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import EngagementScoreType
def get_value() -> EngagementScoreType:
return "High"
# EngagementScoreType definition
EngagementScoreType = Literal[
# ExpectedCustomerSpendCurrencyCodeEnumType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ExpectedCustomerSpendCurrencyCodeEnumType
def get_value() -> ExpectedCustomerSpendCurrencyCodeEnumType:
return "AED"
# ExpectedCustomerSpendCurrencyCodeEnumType definition
ExpectedCustomerSpendCurrencyCodeEnumType = Literal[
# IndustryType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import IndustryType
def get_value() -> IndustryType:
return "Aerospace"
# IndustryType definition
IndustryType = Literal[
"Computers and Electronics",
"Consumer Goods",
"Energy - Oil and Gas",
"Energy - Power and Utilities",
"Financial Services",
"Life Sciences",
"Marketing and Advertising",
"Media and Entertainment",
"Non-Profit Organization",
"Professional Services",
"Real Estate and Construction",
"Software and Internet",
"Transportation and Logistics",
"Wholesale and Distribution",
# InvitationStatusType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import InvitationStatusType
def get_value() -> InvitationStatusType:
return "ACCEPTED"
# InvitationStatusType definition
InvitationStatusType = Literal[
# InvolvementTypeChangeReasonType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import InvolvementTypeChangeReasonType
def get_value() -> InvolvementTypeChangeReasonType:
return "Change in Deal Information"
# InvolvementTypeChangeReasonType definition
InvolvementTypeChangeReasonType = Literal[
"Change in Deal Information",
"Customer Requested",
"Expansion Opportunity",
"Risk Mitigation",
"Technical Complexity",
# ListEngagementInvitationsPaginatorName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ListEngagementInvitationsPaginatorName
def get_value() -> ListEngagementInvitationsPaginatorName:
return "list_engagement_invitations"
# ListEngagementInvitationsPaginatorName definition
ListEngagementInvitationsPaginatorName = Literal[
# ListOpportunitiesPaginatorName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ListOpportunitiesPaginatorName
def get_value() -> ListOpportunitiesPaginatorName:
return "list_opportunities"
# ListOpportunitiesPaginatorName definition
ListOpportunitiesPaginatorName = Literal[
# ListSolutionsPaginatorName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ListSolutionsPaginatorName
def get_value() -> ListSolutionsPaginatorName:
return "list_solutions"
# ListSolutionsPaginatorName definition
ListSolutionsPaginatorName = Literal[
# MarketingSourceType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import MarketingSourceType
def get_value() -> MarketingSourceType:
return "Marketing Activity"
# MarketingSourceType definition
MarketingSourceType = Literal[
"Marketing Activity",
# NationalSecurityType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import NationalSecurityType
def get_value() -> NationalSecurityType:
return "No"
# NationalSecurityType definition
NationalSecurityType = Literal[
# OpportunityEngagementInvitationSortNameType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import OpportunityEngagementInvitationSortNameType
def get_value() -> OpportunityEngagementInvitationSortNameType:
return "InvitationDate"
# OpportunityEngagementInvitationSortNameType definition
OpportunityEngagementInvitationSortNameType = Literal[
# OpportunityOriginType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import OpportunityOriginType
def get_value() -> OpportunityOriginType:
return "AWS Referral"
# OpportunityOriginType definition
OpportunityOriginType = Literal[
"AWS Referral",
"Partner Referral",
# OpportunitySortNameType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import OpportunitySortNameType
def get_value() -> OpportunitySortNameType:
return "CustomerCompanyName"
# OpportunitySortNameType definition
OpportunitySortNameType = Literal[
# OpportunityTypeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import OpportunityTypeType
def get_value() -> OpportunityTypeType:
return "Expansion"
# OpportunityTypeType definition
OpportunityTypeType = Literal[
"Flat Renewal",
"Net New Business",
# ParticipantTypeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ParticipantTypeType
def get_value() -> ParticipantTypeType:
return "RECEIVER"
# ParticipantTypeType definition
ParticipantTypeType = Literal[
# PaymentFrequencyType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import PaymentFrequencyType
def get_value() -> PaymentFrequencyType:
return "Monthly"
# PaymentFrequencyType definition
PaymentFrequencyType = Literal[
# PrimaryNeedFromAwsType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import PrimaryNeedFromAwsType
def get_value() -> PrimaryNeedFromAwsType:
return "Co-Sell - Architectural Validation"
# PrimaryNeedFromAwsType definition
PrimaryNeedFromAwsType = Literal[
"Co-Sell - Architectural Validation",
"Co-Sell - Business Presentation",
"Co-Sell - Competitive Information",
"Co-Sell - Deal Support",
"Co-Sell - Pricing Assistance",
"Co-Sell - Support for Public Tender / RFx",
"Co-Sell - Technical Consultation",
"Co-Sell - Total Cost of Ownership Evaluation",
# ReasonCodeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ReasonCodeType
def get_value() -> ReasonCodeType:
return "EngagementAccessDenied"
# ReasonCodeType definition
ReasonCodeType = Literal[
# ReceiverResponsibilityType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ReceiverResponsibilityType
def get_value() -> ReceiverResponsibilityType:
return "Co-Sell Facilitator"
# ReceiverResponsibilityType definition
ReceiverResponsibilityType = Literal[
"Co-Sell Facilitator",
"Hardware Partner",
"Managed Service Provider",
"Services Partner",
"Software Partner",
"Training Partner",
# RelatedEntityTypeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import RelatedEntityTypeType
def get_value() -> RelatedEntityTypeType:
return "AwsMarketplaceOffers"
# RelatedEntityTypeType definition
RelatedEntityTypeType = Literal[
# RevenueModelType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import RevenueModelType
def get_value() -> RevenueModelType:
return "Contract"
# RevenueModelType definition
RevenueModelType = Literal[
# ReviewStatusType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ReviewStatusType
def get_value() -> ReviewStatusType:
return "Action Required"
# ReviewStatusType definition
ReviewStatusType = Literal[
"Action Required",
"In review",
"Pending Submission",
# SalesActivityType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import SalesActivityType
def get_value() -> SalesActivityType:
return "Agreed on solution to Business Problem"
# SalesActivityType definition
SalesActivityType = Literal[
"Agreed on solution to Business Problem",
"Completed Action Plan",
"Conducted POC / Demo",
"Customer has shown interest in solution",
"Finalized Deployment Need",
"In evaluation / planning stage",
"Initialized discussions with customer",
"SOW Signed",
# SalesInvolvementTypeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import SalesInvolvementTypeType
def get_value() -> SalesInvolvementTypeType:
return "Co-Sell"
# SalesInvolvementTypeType definition
SalesInvolvementTypeType = Literal[
"For Visibility Only",
# SolutionSortNameType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import SolutionSortNameType
def get_value() -> SolutionSortNameType:
return "Category"
# SolutionSortNameType definition
SolutionSortNameType = Literal[
# SolutionStatusType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import SolutionStatusType
def get_value() -> SolutionStatusType:
return "Active"
# SolutionStatusType definition
SolutionStatusType = Literal[
# SortOrderType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import SortOrderType
def get_value() -> SortOrderType:
return "ASCENDING"
# SortOrderType definition
SortOrderType = Literal[
# StageType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import StageType
def get_value() -> StageType:
return "Business Validation"
# StageType definition
StageType = Literal[
"Business Validation",
"Closed Lost",
"Technical Validation",
# TaskStatusType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import TaskStatusType
def get_value() -> TaskStatusType:
return "COMPLETE"
# TaskStatusType definition
TaskStatusType = Literal[
# VisibilityType usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import VisibilityType
def get_value() -> VisibilityType:
return "Full"
# VisibilityType definition
VisibilityType = Literal[
# PartnerCentralSellingAPIServiceName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import PartnerCentralSellingAPIServiceName
def get_value() -> PartnerCentralSellingAPIServiceName:
return "partnercentral-selling"
# PartnerCentralSellingAPIServiceName definition
PartnerCentralSellingAPIServiceName = Literal[
# ServiceName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ServiceName
def get_value() -> ServiceName:
return "accessanalyzer"
# ServiceName definition
ServiceName = Literal[
# ResourceServiceName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import ResourceServiceName
def get_value() -> ResourceServiceName:
return "cloudformation"
# ResourceServiceName definition
ResourceServiceName = Literal[
# PaginatorName usage example
from mypy_boto3_partnercentral_selling.literals import PaginatorName
def get_value() -> PaginatorName:
return "list_engagement_invitations"
# PaginatorName definition
PaginatorName = Literal[