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Auto-generated documentation for S3 type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-s3.


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("s3").get_waiter("bucket_exists"). boto3 documentation

# BucketExistsWaiter usage example

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_s3.waiter import BucketExistsWaiter

session = Session()

client = session.client("s3")  # (1)
waiter: BucketExistsWaiter = client.get_waiter("bucket_exists")  # (2)
await waiter.wait()
  1. client: S3Client
  2. waiter: BucketExistsWaiter


Type annotations and code completion for BucketExistsWaiter.wait method.

# wait method definition

def wait(
    Bucket: str,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    WaiterConfig: WaiterConfigTypeDef = ...,  # (1)
) -> None:
  1. See WaiterConfigTypeDef
# wait method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: HeadBucketRequestWaitTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Bucket": ...,

  1. See HeadBucketRequestWaitTypeDef


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("s3").get_waiter("bucket_not_exists"). boto3 documentation

# BucketNotExistsWaiter usage example

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_s3.waiter import BucketNotExistsWaiter

session = Session()

client = session.client("s3")  # (1)
waiter: BucketNotExistsWaiter = client.get_waiter("bucket_not_exists")  # (2)
await waiter.wait()
  1. client: S3Client
  2. waiter: BucketNotExistsWaiter


Type annotations and code completion for BucketNotExistsWaiter.wait method.

# wait method definition

def wait(
    Bucket: str,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    WaiterConfig: WaiterConfigTypeDef = ...,  # (1)
) -> None:
  1. See WaiterConfigTypeDef
# wait method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: HeadBucketRequestWaitExtraTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Bucket": ...,

  1. See HeadBucketRequestWaitExtraTypeDef


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("s3").get_waiter("object_exists"). boto3 documentation

# ObjectExistsWaiter usage example

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_s3.waiter import ObjectExistsWaiter

session = Session()

client = session.client("s3")  # (1)
waiter: ObjectExistsWaiter = client.get_waiter("object_exists")  # (2)
await waiter.wait()
  1. client: S3Client
  2. waiter: ObjectExistsWaiter


Type annotations and code completion for ObjectExistsWaiter.wait method.

# wait method definition

def wait(
    Bucket: str,
    Key: str,
    IfMatch: str = ...,
    IfModifiedSince: TimestampTypeDef = ...,
    IfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    IfUnmodifiedSince: TimestampTypeDef = ...,
    Range: str = ...,
    ResponseCacheControl: str = ...,
    ResponseContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ResponseContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ResponseContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ResponseContentType: str = ...,
    ResponseExpires: TimestampTypeDef = ...,
    VersionId: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: Union[str, bytes] = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    PartNumber: int = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumMode: ChecksumModeType = ...,  # (2)
    WaiterConfig: WaiterConfigTypeDef = ...,  # (3)
) -> None:
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See ChecksumModeType
  3. See WaiterConfigTypeDef
# wait method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: HeadObjectRequestWaitTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Bucket": ...,
    "Key": ...,

  1. See HeadObjectRequestWaitTypeDef


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("s3").get_waiter("object_not_exists"). boto3 documentation

# ObjectNotExistsWaiter usage example

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_s3.waiter import ObjectNotExistsWaiter

session = Session()

client = session.client("s3")  # (1)
waiter: ObjectNotExistsWaiter = client.get_waiter("object_not_exists")  # (2)
await waiter.wait()
  1. client: S3Client
  2. waiter: ObjectNotExistsWaiter


Type annotations and code completion for ObjectNotExistsWaiter.wait method.

# wait method definition

def wait(
    Bucket: str,
    Key: str,
    IfMatch: str = ...,
    IfModifiedSince: TimestampTypeDef = ...,
    IfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    IfUnmodifiedSince: TimestampTypeDef = ...,
    Range: str = ...,
    ResponseCacheControl: str = ...,
    ResponseContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ResponseContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ResponseContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ResponseContentType: str = ...,
    ResponseExpires: TimestampTypeDef = ...,
    VersionId: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: Union[str, bytes] = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    PartNumber: int = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumMode: ChecksumModeType = ...,  # (2)
    WaiterConfig: WaiterConfigTypeDef = ...,  # (3)
) -> None:
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See ChecksumModeType
  3. See WaiterConfigTypeDef
# wait method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: HeadObjectRequestWaitExtraTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Bucket": ...,
    "Key": ...,

  1. See HeadObjectRequestWaitExtraTypeDef