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Auto-generated documentation for SQS type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-sqs.


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs"), included resources and collections. boto3 documentation

# SQSServiceResource usage example

from mypy_boto3_sqs.service_resource import SQSServiceResource

def get_sqs_resource() -> SQSServiceResource:
    return boto3.resource("sqs")


  • meta: SQSResourceMeta

  • queues: ServiceResourceQueuesCollection



Provides access to Queue resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").queues collection. boto3 documentation

# ServiceResourceQueuesCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_sqs.service_resource import ServiceResourceQueuesCollection

def get_collection() -> ServiceResourceQueuesCollection:
    return boto3.resource("sqs").queues


SQSServiceResource.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

SQSServiceResource.create_queue method#

Creates a new standard or FIFO queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").create_queue method. boto3 documentation

# create_queue method definition

def create_queue(
    QueueName: str,
    Attributes: Mapping[QueueAttributeNameType, str] = ...,  # (1)
    tags: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
) -> _Queue:
  1. See QueueAttributeNameType
# create_queue method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateQueueRequestServiceResourceCreateQueueTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "QueueName": ...,

  1. See CreateQueueRequestServiceResourceCreateQueueTypeDef

SQSServiceResource.get_queue_by_name method#

The GetQueueUrl API returns the URL of an existing Amazon SQS queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").get_queue_by_name method. boto3 documentation

# get_queue_by_name method definition

def get_queue_by_name(
    QueueName: str,
    QueueOwnerAWSAccountId: str = ...,
) -> _Queue:
# get_queue_by_name method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: GetQueueUrlRequestServiceResourceGetQueueByNameTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "QueueName": ...,

  1. See GetQueueUrlRequestServiceResourceGetQueueByNameTypeDef

SQSServiceResource.Message method#

Creates a Message resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Message method. boto3 documentation

# Message method definition

def Message(
    queue_url: str,
    receipt_handle: str,
) -> _Message:

SQSServiceResource.Queue method#

Creates a Queue resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Queue method. boto3 documentation

# Queue method definition

def Queue(
    url: str,
) -> _Queue:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Message class. boto3 documentation

# Message usage example

from mypy_boto3_sqs.service_resource import Message

def get_resource() -> Message:
    return boto3.resource("sqs").Message(...)

Message attributes#

Message methods#

Message.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Message.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Message.change_visibility method#

Changes the visibility timeout of a specified message in a queue to a new value.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").change_visibility method. boto3 documentation

# change_visibility method definition

def change_visibility(
    VisibilityTimeout: int,
) -> None:
# change_visibility method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ChangeMessageVisibilityRequestMessageChangeVisibilityTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "VisibilityTimeout": ...,

  1. See ChangeMessageVisibilityRequestMessageChangeVisibilityTypeDef

Message.delete method#

Deletes the specified message from the specified queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
) -> None:

Message.Queue method#

Creates a Queue resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Queue method. boto3 documentation

# Queue method definition

def Queue(
) -> _Queue:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Queue class. boto3 documentation

# Queue usage example

from mypy_boto3_sqs.service_resource import Queue

def get_resource() -> Queue:
    return boto3.resource("sqs").Queue(...)

Queue attributes#

  • url: str
  • dead_letter_source_queues: QueueDeadLetterSourceQueuesCollection
  • attributes: Dict[QueueAttributeNameType, str]
  • meta: SQSResourceMeta

Queue collections#


Provides access to Queue resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Queue(...).dead_letter_source_queues collection. boto3 documentation

# QueueDeadLetterSourceQueuesCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_sqs.service_resource import QueueDeadLetterSourceQueuesCollection

def get_collection() -> QueueDeadLetterSourceQueuesCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("sqs").Queue(...)
    return resource.dead_letter_source_queues

Queue methods#

Queue.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Queue.add_permission method#

Adds a permission to a queue for a specific principal.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").add_permission method. boto3 documentation

# add_permission method definition

def add_permission(
    Label: str,
    AWSAccountIds: Sequence[str],
    Actions: Sequence[str],
) -> None:
# add_permission method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: AddPermissionRequestQueueAddPermissionTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Label": ...,
    "AWSAccountIds": ...,
    "Actions": ...,

  1. See AddPermissionRequestQueueAddPermissionTypeDef

Queue.change_message_visibility_batch method#

Changes the visibility timeout of multiple messages.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").change_message_visibility_batch method. boto3 documentation

# change_message_visibility_batch method definition

def change_message_visibility_batch(
    Entries: Sequence[ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntryTypeDef],  # (1)
) -> ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResultTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntryTypeDef
  2. See ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResultTypeDef
# change_message_visibility_batch method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestQueueChangeMessageVisibilityBatchTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Entries": ...,

  1. See ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestQueueChangeMessageVisibilityBatchTypeDef

Queue.delete method#

Deletes the queue specified by the QueueUrl, regardless of the queue's contents.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
) -> None:

Queue.delete_messages method#

Deletes up to ten messages from the specified queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").delete_messages method. boto3 documentation

# delete_messages method definition

def delete_messages(
    Entries: Sequence[DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntryTypeDef],  # (1)
) -> DeleteMessageBatchResultTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntryTypeDef
  2. See DeleteMessageBatchResultTypeDef
# delete_messages method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteMessageBatchRequestQueueDeleteMessagesTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Entries": ...,

  1. See DeleteMessageBatchRequestQueueDeleteMessagesTypeDef

Queue.purge method#

Deletes available messages in a queue (including in-flight messages) specified by the QueueURL parameter.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").purge method. boto3 documentation

# purge method definition

def purge(
) -> None:

Queue.receive_messages method#

Retrieves one or more messages (up to 10), from the specified queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").receive_messages method. boto3 documentation

# receive_messages method definition

def receive_messages(
    AttributeNames: Sequence[QueueAttributeFilterType] = ...,  # (1)
    MessageSystemAttributeNames: Sequence[MessageSystemAttributeNameType] = ...,  # (2)
    MessageAttributeNames: Sequence[str] = ...,
    MaxNumberOfMessages: int = ...,
    VisibilityTimeout: int = ...,
    WaitTimeSeconds: int = ...,
    ReceiveRequestAttemptId: str = ...,
) -> List[_Message]:
  1. See QueueAttributeFilterType
  2. See MessageSystemAttributeNameType
# receive_messages method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ReceiveMessageRequestQueueReceiveMessagesTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "AttributeNames": ...,

  1. See ReceiveMessageRequestQueueReceiveMessagesTypeDef

Queue.remove_permission method#

Revokes any permissions in the queue policy that matches the specified Label parameter.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").remove_permission method. boto3 documentation

# remove_permission method definition

def remove_permission(
    Label: str,
) -> None:
# remove_permission method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: RemovePermissionRequestQueueRemovePermissionTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Label": ...,

  1. See RemovePermissionRequestQueueRemovePermissionTypeDef

Queue.send_message method#

Delivers a message to the specified queue.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").send_message method. boto3 documentation

# send_message method definition

def send_message(
    MessageBody: str,
    DelaySeconds: int = ...,
    MessageAttributes: Mapping[str, MessageAttributeValueUnionTypeDef] = ...,  # (1)
    MessageSystemAttributes: Mapping[MessageSystemAttributeNameForSendsType, MessageSystemAttributeValueTypeDef] = ...,  # (2)
    MessageDeduplicationId: str = ...,
    MessageGroupId: str = ...,
) -> SendMessageResultTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See MessageAttributeValueTypeDef MessageAttributeValueOutputTypeDef
  2. See MessageSystemAttributeNameForSendsType MessageSystemAttributeValueTypeDef
  3. See SendMessageResultTypeDef
# send_message method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: SendMessageRequestQueueSendMessageTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "MessageBody": ...,

  1. See SendMessageRequestQueueSendMessageTypeDef

Queue.send_messages method#

You can use SendMessageBatch to send up to 10 messages to the specified queue by assigning either identical or different values to each message (or by not assigning values at all).

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").send_messages method. boto3 documentation

# send_messages method definition

def send_messages(
    Entries: Sequence[SendMessageBatchRequestEntryTypeDef],  # (1)
) -> SendMessageBatchResultTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See SendMessageBatchRequestEntryTypeDef
  2. See SendMessageBatchResultTypeDef
# send_messages method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: SendMessageBatchRequestQueueSendMessagesTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Entries": ...,

  1. See SendMessageBatchRequestQueueSendMessagesTypeDef

Queue.set_attributes method#

Sets the value of one or more queue attributes, like a policy.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").set_attributes method. boto3 documentation

# set_attributes method definition

def set_attributes(
    Attributes: Mapping[QueueAttributeNameType, str],  # (1)
) -> None:
  1. See QueueAttributeNameType
# set_attributes method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: SetQueueAttributesRequestQueueSetAttributesTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Attributes": ...,

  1. See SetQueueAttributesRequestQueueSetAttributesTypeDef

Queue.Message method#

Creates a Message resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").Message method. boto3 documentation

# Message method definition

def Message(
    receipt_handle: str,
) -> _Message:

Queue.load method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

Queue.reload method#

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("sqs").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None: