Synthetics module#
Index > Synthetics
Auto-generated documentation for Synthetics type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-synthetics.
How to install#
Generate locally (recommended)#
You can generate type annotations for boto3
package locally with mypy-boto3-builder
Use uv for build isolation.
- Run mypy-boto3-builder in your package root directory:
uvx --with 'boto3==1.36.26' mypy-boto3-builder
- Select
AWS SDK. - Add
service. - Use provided commands to install generated packages.
VSCode extension#
Add AWS Boto3
extension to your VSCode and run AWS boto3: Quick Start
Click Modify
and select boto3 common
and Synthetics
From PyPI with pip#
Install boto3-stubs
for Synthetics
# install with boto3 type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[synthetics]'
# Lite version does not provide session.client/resource overloads
# it is more RAM-friendly, but requires explicit type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[synthetics]'
# standalone installation
python -m pip install mypy-boto3-synthetics
How to uninstall#
python -m pip uninstall -y mypy-boto3-synthetics
Code samples can be found in Examples.
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("synthetics")
as SyntheticsClient
boto3 documentation
# SyntheticsClient usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_synthetics.client import SyntheticsClient
def get_client() -> SyntheticsClient:
return Session().client("synthetics")
Type annotations for literals used in methods and schema.
# CanaryRunStateReasonCodeType usage example
from mypy_boto3_synthetics.literals import CanaryRunStateReasonCodeType
def get_value() -> CanaryRunStateReasonCodeType:
- CanaryRunStateReasonCodeType
- CanaryRunStateType
- CanaryStateReasonCodeType
- CanaryStateType
- EncryptionModeType
- ProvisionedResourceCleanupSettingType
- ResourceToTagType
- SyntheticsServiceName
- ServiceName
- ResourceServiceName
- RegionName
Type definitions#
Type annotations for type definitions used in methods and schema.
- S3EncryptionConfigTypeDef
- AssociateResourceRequestTypeDef
- BaseScreenshotOutputTypeDef
- BaseScreenshotTypeDef
- BlobTypeDef
- CanaryCodeOutputTypeDef
- CanaryRunConfigInputTypeDef
- CanaryRunConfigOutputTypeDef
- CanaryRunStatusTypeDef
- CanaryRunTimelineTypeDef
- CanaryScheduleInputTypeDef
- CanaryScheduleOutputTypeDef
- CanaryStatusTypeDef
- CanaryTimelineTypeDef
- VpcConfigOutputTypeDef
- VpcConfigInputTypeDef
- ResponseMetadataTypeDef
- CreateGroupRequestTypeDef
- GroupTypeDef
- DeleteCanaryRequestTypeDef
- DeleteGroupRequestTypeDef
- DescribeCanariesLastRunRequestTypeDef
- DescribeCanariesRequestTypeDef
- DescribeRuntimeVersionsRequestTypeDef
- RuntimeVersionTypeDef
- DisassociateResourceRequestTypeDef
- GetCanaryRequestTypeDef
- GetCanaryRunsRequestTypeDef
- GetGroupRequestTypeDef
- GroupSummaryTypeDef
- ListAssociatedGroupsRequestTypeDef
- ListGroupResourcesRequestTypeDef
- ListGroupsRequestTypeDef
- ListTagsForResourceRequestTypeDef
- StartCanaryRequestTypeDef
- StopCanaryRequestTypeDef
- TagResourceRequestTypeDef
- UntagResourceRequestTypeDef
- ArtifactConfigInputTypeDef
- ArtifactConfigOutputTypeDef
- VisualReferenceOutputTypeDef
- BaseScreenshotUnionTypeDef
- CanaryCodeInputTypeDef
- CanaryRunTypeDef
- ListGroupResourcesResponseTypeDef
- ListTagsForResourceResponseTypeDef
- CreateGroupResponseTypeDef
- GetGroupResponseTypeDef
- DescribeRuntimeVersionsResponseTypeDef
- ListAssociatedGroupsResponseTypeDef
- ListGroupsResponseTypeDef
- CanaryTypeDef
- VisualReferenceInputTypeDef
- CreateCanaryRequestTypeDef
- CanaryLastRunTypeDef
- GetCanaryRunsResponseTypeDef
- CreateCanaryResponseTypeDef
- DescribeCanariesResponseTypeDef
- GetCanaryResponseTypeDef
- UpdateCanaryRequestTypeDef
- DescribeCanariesLastRunResponseTypeDef