Auto-generated documentation for DynamoDB type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-dynamodb.
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("dynamodb").get_paginator("list_backups")
boto3 documentation
# ListBackupsPaginator usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ListBackupsPaginator
def get_list_backups_paginator() -> ListBackupsPaginator:
return Session().client("dynamodb").get_paginator("list_backups")
# ListBackupsPaginator usage example with type annotations
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ListBackupsPaginator
session = Session()
client = Session().client("dynamodb") # (1)
paginator: ListBackupsPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_backups") # (2)
for item in paginator.paginate(...):
print(item) # (3)
- client: DynamoDBClient
- paginator: ListBackupsPaginator
- item: ListBackupsOutputTypeDef
Type annotations and code completion for ListBackupsPaginator.paginate
# paginate method definition
def paginate(
TableName: str = ...,
TimeRangeLowerBound: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
TimeRangeUpperBound: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
BackupType: BackupTypeFilterType = ..., # (1)
PaginationConfig: PaginatorConfigTypeDef = ..., # (2)
) -> _PageIterator[ListBackupsOutputTypeDef]: # (3)
# paginate method usage example with argument unpacking
kwargs: ListBackupsInputListBackupsPaginateTypeDef = { # (1)
"TableName": ...,
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("dynamodb").get_paginator("list_tables")
boto3 documentation
# ListTablesPaginator usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ListTablesPaginator
def get_list_tables_paginator() -> ListTablesPaginator:
return Session().client("dynamodb").get_paginator("list_tables")
# ListTablesPaginator usage example with type annotations
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ListTablesPaginator
session = Session()
client = Session().client("dynamodb") # (1)
paginator: ListTablesPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_tables") # (2)
for item in paginator.paginate(...):
print(item) # (3)
- client: DynamoDBClient
- paginator: ListTablesPaginator
- item: ListTablesOutputTypeDef
Type annotations and code completion for ListTablesPaginator.paginate
# paginate method definition
def paginate(
PaginationConfig: PaginatorConfigTypeDef = ..., # (1)
) -> _PageIterator[ListTablesOutputTypeDef]: # (2)
# paginate method usage example with argument unpacking
kwargs: ListTablesInputListTablesPaginateTypeDef = { # (1)
"PaginationConfig": ...,
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("dynamodb").get_paginator("list_tags_of_resource")
boto3 documentation
# ListTagsOfResourcePaginator usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ListTagsOfResourcePaginator
def get_list_tags_of_resource_paginator() -> ListTagsOfResourcePaginator:
return Session().client("dynamodb").get_paginator("list_tags_of_resource")
# ListTagsOfResourcePaginator usage example with type annotations
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ListTagsOfResourcePaginator
session = Session()
client = Session().client("dynamodb") # (1)
paginator: ListTagsOfResourcePaginator = client.get_paginator("list_tags_of_resource") # (2)
for item in paginator.paginate(...):
print(item) # (3)
- client: DynamoDBClient
- paginator: ListTagsOfResourcePaginator
- item: ListTagsOfResourceOutputTypeDef
Type annotations and code completion for ListTagsOfResourcePaginator.paginate
# paginate method definition
def paginate(
ResourceArn: str,
PaginationConfig: PaginatorConfigTypeDef = ..., # (1)
) -> _PageIterator[ListTagsOfResourceOutputTypeDef]: # (2)
# paginate method usage example with argument unpacking
kwargs: ListTagsOfResourceInputListTagsOfResourcePaginateTypeDef = { # (1)
"ResourceArn": ...,
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("dynamodb").get_paginator("query")
boto3 documentation
# QueryPaginator usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import QueryPaginator
def get_query_paginator() -> QueryPaginator:
return Session().client("dynamodb").get_paginator("query")
# QueryPaginator usage example with type annotations
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import QueryPaginator
session = Session()
client = Session().client("dynamodb") # (1)
paginator: QueryPaginator = client.get_paginator("query") # (2)
for item in paginator.paginate(...):
print(item) # (3)
- client: DynamoDBClient
- paginator: QueryPaginator
- item: QueryOutputTypeDef
Type annotations and code completion for QueryPaginator.paginate
# paginate method definition
def paginate(
TableName: str,
IndexName: str = ...,
Select: SelectType = ..., # (1)
AttributesToGet: Sequence[str] = ...,
ConsistentRead: bool = ...,
KeyConditions: Mapping[str, ConditionTypeDef] = ..., # (2)
QueryFilter: Mapping[str, ConditionTypeDef] = ..., # (2)
ConditionalOperator: ConditionalOperatorType = ..., # (4)
ScanIndexForward: bool = ...,
ReturnConsumedCapacity: ReturnConsumedCapacityType = ..., # (5)
ProjectionExpression: str = ...,
FilterExpression: str = ...,
KeyConditionExpression: str = ...,
ExpressionAttributeNames: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
ExpressionAttributeValues: Mapping[str, Union[AttributeValueTypeDef, bytes, bytearray, str, int, Decimal, bool, Set[int], Set[Decimal], Set[str], Set[bytes], Set[bytearray], Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any], None]] = ..., # (6)
PaginationConfig: PaginatorConfigTypeDef = ..., # (7)
) -> _PageIterator[QueryOutputTypeDef]: # (8)
- See SelectType
- See ConditionTypeDef
- See ConditionTypeDef
- See ConditionalOperatorType
- See ReturnConsumedCapacityType
- See AttributeValueTypeDef
- See PaginatorConfigTypeDef
- See QueryOutputTypeDef
# paginate method usage example with argument unpacking
kwargs: QueryInputQueryPaginateTypeDef = { # (1)
"TableName": ...,
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("dynamodb").get_paginator("scan")
boto3 documentation
# ScanPaginator usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ScanPaginator
def get_scan_paginator() -> ScanPaginator:
return Session().client("dynamodb").get_paginator("scan")
# ScanPaginator usage example with type annotations
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_dynamodb.paginator import ScanPaginator
session = Session()
client = Session().client("dynamodb") # (1)
paginator: ScanPaginator = client.get_paginator("scan") # (2)
for item in paginator.paginate(...):
print(item) # (3)
- client: DynamoDBClient
- paginator: ScanPaginator
- item: ScanOutputTypeDef
Type annotations and code completion for ScanPaginator.paginate
# paginate method definition
def paginate(
TableName: str,
IndexName: str = ...,
AttributesToGet: Sequence[str] = ...,
Select: SelectType = ..., # (1)
ScanFilter: Mapping[str, ConditionTypeDef] = ..., # (2)
ConditionalOperator: ConditionalOperatorType = ..., # (3)
ReturnConsumedCapacity: ReturnConsumedCapacityType = ..., # (4)
TotalSegments: int = ...,
Segment: int = ...,
ProjectionExpression: str = ...,
FilterExpression: str = ...,
ExpressionAttributeNames: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
ExpressionAttributeValues: Mapping[str, Union[AttributeValueTypeDef, bytes, bytearray, str, int, Decimal, bool, Set[int], Set[Decimal], Set[str], Set[bytes], Set[bytearray], Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any], None]] = ..., # (5)
ConsistentRead: bool = ...,
PaginationConfig: PaginatorConfigTypeDef = ..., # (6)
) -> _PageIterator[ScanOutputTypeDef]: # (7)
- See SelectType
- See ConditionTypeDef
- See ConditionalOperatorType
- See ReturnConsumedCapacityType
- See AttributeValueTypeDef
- See PaginatorConfigTypeDef
- See ScanOutputTypeDef
# paginate method usage example with argument unpacking
kwargs: ScanInputScanPaginateTypeDef = { # (1)
"TableName": ...,