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Auto-generated documentation for S3 type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-s3.


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3"), included resources and collections. boto3 documentation

# S3ServiceResource usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import S3ServiceResource

def get_s3_resource() -> S3ServiceResource:
    return boto3.resource("s3")




Provides access to Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").buckets collection. boto3 documentation

# ServiceResourceBucketsCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import ServiceResourceBucketsCollection

def get_collection() -> ServiceResourceBucketsCollection:
    return boto3.resource("s3").buckets


S3ServiceResource.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
    name: str,
) -> Bucket:

S3ServiceResource.BucketAcl method#

Creates a BucketAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketAcl method. boto3 documentation

# BucketAcl method definition

def BucketAcl(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketAcl:

S3ServiceResource.BucketCors method#

Creates a BucketCors resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketCors method. boto3 documentation

# BucketCors method definition

def BucketCors(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketCors:

S3ServiceResource.BucketLifecycle method#

Creates a BucketLifecycle resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketLifecycle method. boto3 documentation

# BucketLifecycle method definition

def BucketLifecycle(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketLifecycle:

S3ServiceResource.BucketLifecycleConfiguration method#

Creates a BucketLifecycleConfiguration resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketLifecycleConfiguration method. boto3 documentation

# BucketLifecycleConfiguration method definition

def BucketLifecycleConfiguration(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketLifecycleConfiguration:

S3ServiceResource.BucketLogging method#

Creates a BucketLogging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketLogging method. boto3 documentation

# BucketLogging method definition

def BucketLogging(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketLogging:

S3ServiceResource.BucketNotification method#

Creates a BucketNotification resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketNotification method. boto3 documentation

# BucketNotification method definition

def BucketNotification(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketNotification:

S3ServiceResource.BucketPolicy method#

Creates a BucketPolicy resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketPolicy method. boto3 documentation

# BucketPolicy method definition

def BucketPolicy(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketPolicy:

S3ServiceResource.BucketRequestPayment method#

Creates a BucketRequestPayment resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketRequestPayment method. boto3 documentation

# BucketRequestPayment method definition

def BucketRequestPayment(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketRequestPayment:

S3ServiceResource.BucketTagging method#

Creates a BucketTagging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketTagging method. boto3 documentation

# BucketTagging method definition

def BucketTagging(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketTagging:

S3ServiceResource.BucketVersioning method#

Creates a BucketVersioning resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketVersioning method. boto3 documentation

# BucketVersioning method definition

def BucketVersioning(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketVersioning:

S3ServiceResource.BucketWebsite method#

Creates a BucketWebsite resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketWebsite method. boto3 documentation

# BucketWebsite method definition

def BucketWebsite(
    bucket_name: str,
) -> BucketWebsite:

S3ServiceResource.MultipartUpload method#

Creates a MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload method definition

def MultipartUpload(
    bucket_name: str,
    object_key: str,
    id: str,
) -> MultipartUpload:

S3ServiceResource.MultipartUploadPart method#

Creates a MultipartUploadPart resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUploadPart method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUploadPart method definition

def MultipartUploadPart(
    bucket_name: str,
    object_key: str,
    multipart_upload_id: str,
    part_number: str,
) -> MultipartUploadPart:

S3ServiceResource.Object method#

Creates a Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object method. boto3 documentation

# Object method definition

def Object(
    bucket_name: str,
    key: str,
) -> Object:

S3ServiceResource.ObjectAcl method#

Creates a ObjectAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").ObjectAcl method. boto3 documentation

# ObjectAcl method definition

def ObjectAcl(
    bucket_name: str,
    object_key: str,
) -> ObjectAcl:

S3ServiceResource.ObjectSummary method#

Creates a ObjectSummary resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").ObjectSummary method. boto3 documentation

# ObjectSummary method definition

def ObjectSummary(
    bucket_name: str,
    key: str,
) -> ObjectSummary:

S3ServiceResource.ObjectVersion method#

Creates a ObjectVersion resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").ObjectVersion method. boto3 documentation

# ObjectVersion method definition

def ObjectVersion(
    bucket_name: str,
    object_key: str,
    id: str,
) -> ObjectVersion:

S3ServiceResource.create_bucket method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").create_bucket method. boto3 documentation

# create_bucket method definition

def create_bucket(
    Bucket: str,
    ACL: BucketCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    CreateBucketConfiguration: CreateBucketConfigurationTypeDef = ...,  # (2)
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWrite: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    ObjectLockEnabledForBucket: bool = ...,
    ObjectOwnership: ObjectOwnershipType = ...,  # (3)
) -> Bucket:
  1. See BucketCannedACLType
  2. See CreateBucketConfigurationTypeDef
  3. See ObjectOwnershipType
# create_bucket method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateBucketRequestServiceResourceCreateBucketTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Bucket": ...,

  1. See CreateBucketRequestServiceResourceCreateBucketTypeDef

S3ServiceResource.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket class. boto3 documentation

# Bucket usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import Bucket

def get_resource() -> Bucket:
    return boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...)

Bucket attributes#

Bucket collections#


Provides access to MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...).multipart_uploads collection. boto3 documentation

# BucketMultipartUploadsCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketMultipartUploadsCollection

def get_collection() -> BucketMultipartUploadsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...)
    return resource.multipart_uploads


Provides access to ObjectVersion resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...).object_versions collection. boto3 documentation

# BucketObjectVersionsCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketObjectVersionsCollection

def get_collection() -> BucketObjectVersionsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...)
    return resource.object_versions


Provides access to ObjectSummary resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...).objects collection. boto3 documentation

# BucketObjectsCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketObjectsCollection

def get_collection() -> BucketObjectsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(...)
    return resource.objects

Bucket methods#

Bucket.Acl method#

Creates a BucketAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Acl method. boto3 documentation

# Acl method definition

def Acl(
) -> BucketAcl:

Bucket.Cors method#

Creates a BucketCors resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Cors method. boto3 documentation

# Cors method definition

def Cors(
) -> BucketCors:

Bucket.Lifecycle method#

Creates a BucketLifecycle resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Lifecycle method. boto3 documentation

# Lifecycle method definition

def Lifecycle(
) -> BucketLifecycle:

Bucket.LifecycleConfiguration method#

Creates a BucketLifecycleConfiguration resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").LifecycleConfiguration method. boto3 documentation

# LifecycleConfiguration method definition

def LifecycleConfiguration(
) -> BucketLifecycleConfiguration:

Bucket.Logging method#

Creates a BucketLogging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Logging method. boto3 documentation

# Logging method definition

def Logging(
) -> BucketLogging:

Bucket.Notification method#

Creates a BucketNotification resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Notification method. boto3 documentation

# Notification method definition

def Notification(
) -> BucketNotification:

Bucket.Object method#

Creates a Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object method. boto3 documentation

# Object method definition

def Object(
    key: str,
) -> Object:

Bucket.Policy method#

Creates a BucketPolicy resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Policy method. boto3 documentation

# Policy method definition

def Policy(
) -> BucketPolicy:

Bucket.RequestPayment method#

Creates a BucketRequestPayment resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").RequestPayment method. boto3 documentation

# RequestPayment method definition

def RequestPayment(
) -> BucketRequestPayment:

Bucket.Tagging method#

Creates a BucketTagging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Tagging method. boto3 documentation

# Tagging method definition

def Tagging(
) -> BucketTagging:

Bucket.Versioning method#

Creates a BucketVersioning resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Versioning method. boto3 documentation

# Versioning method definition

def Versioning(
) -> BucketVersioning:

Bucket.Website method#

Creates a BucketWebsite resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Website method. boto3 documentation

# Website method definition

def Website(
) -> BucketWebsite:

Bucket.copy method#

Copy an object from one S3 location to an object in this bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").copy method. boto3 documentation

# copy method definition

def copy(
    CopySource: CopySourceTypeDef,  # (1)
    Key: str,
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    SourceClient: Optional[BaseClient] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See CopySourceTypeDef
# copy method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: BucketCopyRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "CopySource": ...,
    "Key": ...,

  1. See BucketCopyRequestTypeDef

Bucket.create method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").create method. boto3 documentation

# create method definition

def create(
    ACL: BucketCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    CreateBucketConfiguration: CreateBucketConfigurationTypeDef = ...,  # (2)
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWrite: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    ObjectLockEnabledForBucket: bool = ...,
    ObjectOwnership: ObjectOwnershipType = ...,  # (3)
) -> CreateBucketOutputTypeDef:  # (4)
  1. See BucketCannedACLType
  2. See CreateBucketConfigurationTypeDef
  3. See ObjectOwnershipType
  4. See CreateBucketOutputTypeDef
# create method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateBucketRequestBucketCreateTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See CreateBucketRequestBucketCreateTypeDef

Bucket.delete method#

Deletes the S3 bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketRequestBucketDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketRequestBucketDeleteTypeDef

Bucket.delete_objects method#

This operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single HTTP request.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete_objects method. boto3 documentation

# delete_objects method definition

def delete_objects(
    Delete: DeleteTypeDef,  # (1)
    MFA: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (2)
    BypassGovernanceRetention: bool = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (3)
) -> DeleteObjectsOutputTypeDef:  # (4)
  1. See DeleteTypeDef
  2. See RequestPayerType
  3. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  4. See DeleteObjectsOutputTypeDef
# delete_objects method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteObjectsRequestBucketDeleteObjectsTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Delete": ...,

  1. See DeleteObjectsRequestBucketDeleteObjectsTypeDef

Bucket.download_file method#

Download an S3 object to a file.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").download_file method. boto3 documentation

# download_file method definition

def download_file(
    Key: str,
    Filename: str,
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# download_file method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: BucketDownloadFileRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Key": ...,
    "Filename": ...,

  1. See BucketDownloadFileRequestTypeDef

Bucket.download_fileobj method#

Download an object from this bucket to a file-like-object.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").download_fileobj method. boto3 documentation

# download_fileobj method definition

def download_fileobj(
    Key: str,
    Fileobj: Union[IO[Any], StreamingBody],
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# download_fileobj method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: BucketDownloadFileobjRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Key": ...,
    "Fileobj": ...,

  1. See BucketDownloadFileobjRequestTypeDef

Bucket.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Bucket.load method#

Calls s3.Client.list_buckets() to update the attributes of the Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

Bucket.put_object method#

Adds an object to a bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put_object method. boto3 documentation

# put_object method definition

def put_object(
    Key: str,
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    Body: Union[str, bytes, IO[Any], StreamingBody] = ...,
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentLength: int = ...,
    ContentMD5: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumCRC32: str = ...,
    ChecksumCRC32C: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA1: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA256: str = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (3)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (4)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (5)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (6)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (7)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> Object:
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  3. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  4. See StorageClassType
  5. See RequestPayerType
  6. See ObjectLockModeType
  7. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
# put_object method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutObjectRequestBucketPutObjectTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Key": ...,

  1. See PutObjectRequestBucketPutObjectTypeDef

Bucket.upload_file method#

Upload a file to an S3 object.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").upload_file method. boto3 documentation

# upload_file method definition

def upload_file(
    Filename: str,
    Key: str,
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# upload_file method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: BucketUploadFileRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Filename": ...,
    "Key": ...,

  1. See BucketUploadFileRequestTypeDef

Bucket.upload_fileobj method#

Upload a file-like object to this bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").upload_fileobj method. boto3 documentation

# upload_fileobj method definition

def upload_fileobj(
    Fileobj: Union[IO[Any], StreamingBody],
    Key: str,
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# upload_fileobj method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: BucketUploadFileobjRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Fileobj": ...,
    "Key": ...,

  1. See BucketUploadFileobjRequestTypeDef

Bucket.wait_until_exists method#

Waits until this Bucket is exists.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").wait_until_exists method. boto3 documentation

# wait_until_exists method definition

def wait_until_exists(
) -> None:

Bucket.wait_until_not_exists method#

Waits until this Bucket is not exists.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").wait_until_not_exists method. boto3 documentation

# wait_until_not_exists method definition

def wait_until_not_exists(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketAcl class. boto3 documentation

# BucketAcl usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketAcl

def get_resource() -> BucketAcl:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketAcl(...)

BucketAcl attributes#

BucketAcl methods#

BucketAcl.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketAcl.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketAcl.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_acl to update the attributes of the BucketAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketAcl.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    ACL: BucketCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    AccessControlPolicy: AccessControlPolicyTypeDef = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (3)
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWrite: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See BucketCannedACLType
  2. See AccessControlPolicyTypeDef
  3. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketAclRequestBucketAclPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See PutBucketAclRequestBucketAclPutTypeDef

BucketAcl.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_acl to update the attributes of the BucketAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketCors class. boto3 documentation

# BucketCors usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketCors

def get_resource() -> BucketCors:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketCors(...)

BucketCors attributes#

BucketCors methods#

BucketCors.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketCors.delete method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketCorsRequestBucketCorsDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketCorsRequestBucketCorsDeleteTypeDef

BucketCors.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketCors.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_cors to update the attributes of the BucketCors resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketCors.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    CORSConfiguration: CORSConfigurationTypeDef,  # (1)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See CORSConfigurationTypeDef
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketCorsRequestBucketCorsPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "CORSConfiguration": ...,

  1. See PutBucketCorsRequestBucketCorsPutTypeDef

BucketCors.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_cors to update the attributes of the BucketCors resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketLifecycle class. boto3 documentation

# BucketLifecycle usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketLifecycle

def get_resource() -> BucketLifecycle:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketLifecycle(...)

BucketLifecycle attributes#

BucketLifecycle methods#

BucketLifecycle.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketLifecycle.delete method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketLifecycleRequestBucketLifecycleDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketLifecycleRequestBucketLifecycleDeleteTypeDef

BucketLifecycle.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketLifecycle.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_lifecycle to update the attributes of the BucketLifecycle resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketLifecycle.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (1)
    LifecycleConfiguration: LifecycleConfigurationTypeDef = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  2. See LifecycleConfigurationTypeDef
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketLifecycleRequestBucketLifecyclePutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ChecksumAlgorithm": ...,

  1. See PutBucketLifecycleRequestBucketLifecyclePutTypeDef

BucketLifecycle.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_lifecycle to update the attributes of the BucketLifecycle resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketLifecycleConfiguration class. boto3 documentation

# BucketLifecycleConfiguration usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketLifecycleConfiguration

def get_resource() -> BucketLifecycleConfiguration:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketLifecycleConfiguration(...)

BucketLifecycleConfiguration attributes#

BucketLifecycleConfiguration methods#

BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketLifecycleConfiguration.delete method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketLifecycleRequestBucketLifecycleConfigurationDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketLifecycleRequestBucketLifecycleConfigurationDeleteTypeDef

BucketLifecycleConfiguration.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketLifecycleConfiguration.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration to update the attributes of the BucketLifecycleConfiguration resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketLifecycleConfiguration.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (1)
    LifecycleConfiguration: BucketLifecycleConfigurationTypeDef = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  2. See BucketLifecycleConfigurationTypeDef
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequestBucketLifecycleConfigurationPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ChecksumAlgorithm": ...,

  1. See PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequestBucketLifecycleConfigurationPutTypeDef

BucketLifecycleConfiguration.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration to update the attributes of the BucketLifecycleConfiguration resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketLogging class. boto3 documentation

# BucketLogging usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketLogging

def get_resource() -> BucketLogging:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketLogging(...)

BucketLogging attributes#

BucketLogging methods#

BucketLogging.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketLogging.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketLogging.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_logging to update the attributes of the BucketLogging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketLogging.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    BucketLoggingStatus: BucketLoggingStatusTypeDef,  # (1)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See BucketLoggingStatusTypeDef
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketLoggingRequestBucketLoggingPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "BucketLoggingStatus": ...,

  1. See PutBucketLoggingRequestBucketLoggingPutTypeDef

BucketLogging.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_logging to update the attributes of the BucketLogging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketNotification class. boto3 documentation

# BucketNotification usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketNotification

def get_resource() -> BucketNotification:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketNotification(...)

BucketNotification attributes#

BucketNotification methods#

BucketNotification.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketNotification.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketNotification.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_notification_configuration to update the attributes of the BucketNotification resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketNotification.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    NotificationConfiguration: NotificationConfigurationTypeDef,  # (1)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    SkipDestinationValidation: bool = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See NotificationConfigurationTypeDef
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketNotificationConfigurationRequestBucketNotificationPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "NotificationConfiguration": ...,

  1. See PutBucketNotificationConfigurationRequestBucketNotificationPutTypeDef

BucketNotification.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_notification_configuration to update the attributes of the BucketNotification resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketPolicy class. boto3 documentation

# BucketPolicy usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketPolicy

def get_resource() -> BucketPolicy:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketPolicy(...)

BucketPolicy attributes#

BucketPolicy methods#

BucketPolicy.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketPolicy.delete method#

Deletes the policy of a specified bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketPolicyRequestBucketPolicyDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketPolicyRequestBucketPolicyDeleteTypeDef

BucketPolicy.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketPolicy.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_policy to update the attributes of the BucketPolicy resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketPolicy.put method#

Applies an Amazon S3 bucket policy to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    Policy: str,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (1)
    ConfirmRemoveSelfBucketAccess: bool = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketPolicyRequestBucketPolicyPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Policy": ...,

  1. See PutBucketPolicyRequestBucketPolicyPutTypeDef

BucketPolicy.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_policy to update the attributes of the BucketPolicy resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketRequestPayment class. boto3 documentation

# BucketRequestPayment usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketRequestPayment

def get_resource() -> BucketRequestPayment:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketRequestPayment(...)

BucketRequestPayment attributes#

BucketRequestPayment methods#

BucketRequestPayment.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketRequestPayment.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketRequestPayment.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_request_payment to update the attributes of the BucketRequestPayment resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketRequestPayment.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    RequestPaymentConfiguration: RequestPaymentConfigurationTypeDef,  # (1)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See RequestPaymentConfigurationTypeDef
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketRequestPaymentRequestBucketRequestPaymentPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "RequestPaymentConfiguration": ...,

  1. See PutBucketRequestPaymentRequestBucketRequestPaymentPutTypeDef

BucketRequestPayment.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_request_payment to update the attributes of the BucketRequestPayment resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketTagging class. boto3 documentation

# BucketTagging usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketTagging

def get_resource() -> BucketTagging:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketTagging(...)

BucketTagging attributes#

BucketTagging methods#

BucketTagging.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketTagging.delete method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketTaggingRequestBucketTaggingDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketTaggingRequestBucketTaggingDeleteTypeDef

BucketTagging.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketTagging.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_tagging to update the attributes of the BucketTagging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketTagging.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    Tagging: TaggingTypeDef,  # (1)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See TaggingTypeDef
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketTaggingRequestBucketTaggingPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Tagging": ...,

  1. See PutBucketTaggingRequestBucketTaggingPutTypeDef

BucketTagging.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_tagging to update the attributes of the BucketTagging resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketVersioning class. boto3 documentation

# BucketVersioning usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketVersioning

def get_resource() -> BucketVersioning:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketVersioning(...)

BucketVersioning attributes#

BucketVersioning methods#

BucketVersioning.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketVersioning.enable method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").enable method. boto3 documentation

# enable method definition

def enable(
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (1)
    MFA: str = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# enable method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketVersioningRequestBucketVersioningEnableTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ChecksumAlgorithm": ...,

  1. See PutBucketVersioningRequestBucketVersioningEnableTypeDef

BucketVersioning.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketVersioning.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_versioning to update the attributes of the BucketVersioning resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketVersioning.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    VersioningConfiguration: VersioningConfigurationTypeDef,  # (1)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    MFA: str = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See VersioningConfigurationTypeDef
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketVersioningRequestBucketVersioningPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "VersioningConfiguration": ...,

  1. See PutBucketVersioningRequestBucketVersioningPutTypeDef

BucketVersioning.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_versioning to update the attributes of the BucketVersioning resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:

BucketVersioning.suspend method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").suspend method. boto3 documentation

# suspend method definition

def suspend(
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (1)
    MFA: str = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# suspend method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketVersioningRequestBucketVersioningSuspendTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ChecksumAlgorithm": ...,

  1. See PutBucketVersioningRequestBucketVersioningSuspendTypeDef


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").BucketWebsite class. boto3 documentation

# BucketWebsite usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import BucketWebsite

def get_resource() -> BucketWebsite:
    return boto3.resource("s3").BucketWebsite(...)

BucketWebsite attributes#

BucketWebsite methods#

BucketWebsite.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

BucketWebsite.delete method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteBucketWebsiteRequestBucketWebsiteDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ExpectedBucketOwner": ...,

  1. See DeleteBucketWebsiteRequestBucketWebsiteDeleteTypeDef

BucketWebsite.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

BucketWebsite.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_website to update the attributes of the BucketWebsite resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

BucketWebsite.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    WebsiteConfiguration: WebsiteConfigurationTypeDef,  # (1)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See WebsiteConfigurationTypeDef
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutBucketWebsiteRequestBucketWebsitePutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "WebsiteConfiguration": ...,

  1. See PutBucketWebsiteRequestBucketWebsitePutTypeDef

BucketWebsite.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_bucket_website to update the attributes of the BucketWebsite resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload class. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import MultipartUpload

def get_resource() -> MultipartUpload:
    return boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload(...)

MultipartUpload attributes#

MultipartUpload collections#

Provides access to MultipartUploadPart resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload(...).parts collection. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUploadPartsCollection usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import MultipartUploadPartsCollection

def get_collection() -> MultipartUploadPartsCollection:
    resource = boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload(...)

MultipartUpload methods#

MultipartUpload.Object method#

Creates a Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object method. boto3 documentation

# Object method definition

def Object(
) -> Object:

MultipartUpload.Part method#

Creates a MultipartUploadPart resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Part method. boto3 documentation

# Part method definition

def Part(
    part_number: str,
) -> MultipartUploadPart:

MultipartUpload.abort method#

This operation aborts a multipart upload.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").abort method. boto3 documentation

# abort method definition

def abort(
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> AbortMultipartUploadOutputTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See AbortMultipartUploadOutputTypeDef
# abort method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: AbortMultipartUploadRequestMultipartUploadAbortTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "RequestPayer": ...,

  1. See AbortMultipartUploadRequestMultipartUploadAbortTypeDef

MultipartUpload.complete method#

Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").complete method. boto3 documentation

# complete method definition

def complete(
    MultipartUpload: CompletedMultipartUploadTypeDef = ...,  # (1)
    ChecksumCRC32: str = ...,
    ChecksumCRC32C: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA1: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA256: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
) -> Object:
  1. See CompletedMultipartUploadTypeDef
  2. See RequestPayerType
# complete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CompleteMultipartUploadRequestMultipartUploadCompleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "MultipartUpload": ...,

  1. See CompleteMultipartUploadRequestMultipartUploadCompleteTypeDef

MultipartUpload.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUploadPart class. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUploadPart usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import MultipartUploadPart

def get_resource() -> MultipartUploadPart:
    return boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUploadPart(...)

MultipartUploadPart attributes#

  • last_modified: datetime
  • e_tag: str
  • size: int
  • checksum_crc32: str
  • checksum_crc32_c: str
  • checksum_sha1: str
  • checksum_sha256: str
  • bucket_name: str
  • object_key: str
  • multipart_upload_id: str
  • part_number: str
  • meta: S3ResourceMeta

MultipartUploadPart methods#

MultipartUploadPart.MultipartUpload method#

Creates a MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload method definition

def MultipartUpload(
) -> MultipartUpload:

MultipartUploadPart.copy_from method#

Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").copy_from method. boto3 documentation

# copy_from method definition

def copy_from(
    CopySource: Union[str, CopySourceTypeDef],  # (1)
    CopySourceIfMatch: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    CopySourceIfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    CopySourceRange: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ExpectedSourceBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> UploadPartCopyOutputTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See CopySourceTypeDef
  2. See RequestPayerType
  3. See UploadPartCopyOutputTypeDef
# copy_from method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: UploadPartCopyRequestMultipartUploadPartCopyFromTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "CopySource": ...,

  1. See UploadPartCopyRequestMultipartUploadPartCopyFromTypeDef

MultipartUploadPart.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

MultipartUploadPart.upload method#

Uploads a part in a multipart upload.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").upload method. boto3 documentation

# upload method definition

def upload(
    Body: Union[str, bytes, IO[Any], StreamingBody] = ...,
    ContentLength: int = ...,
    ContentMD5: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (1)
    ChecksumCRC32: str = ...,
    ChecksumCRC32C: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA1: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA256: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (2)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> UploadPartOutputTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  2. See RequestPayerType
  3. See UploadPartOutputTypeDef
# upload method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: UploadPartRequestMultipartUploadPartUploadTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Body": ...,

  1. See UploadPartRequestMultipartUploadPartUploadTypeDef


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object class. boto3 documentation

# Object usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import Object

def get_resource() -> Object:
    return boto3.resource("s3").Object(...)

Object attributes#

  • delete_marker: bool
  • accept_ranges: str
  • expiration: str
  • restore: str
  • archive_status: ArchiveStatusType
  • last_modified: datetime
  • content_length: int
  • checksum_crc32: str
  • checksum_crc32_c: str
  • checksum_sha1: str
  • checksum_sha256: str
  • e_tag: str
  • missing_meta: int
  • version_id: str
  • cache_control: str
  • content_disposition: str
  • content_encoding: str
  • content_language: str
  • content_type: str
  • expires: datetime
  • website_redirect_location: str
  • server_side_encryption: ServerSideEncryptionType
  • metadata: Dict[str, str]
  • sse_customer_algorithm: str
  • sse_customer_key_md5: str
  • ssekms_key_id: str
  • bucket_key_enabled: bool
  • storage_class: StorageClassType
  • request_charged: Literal['requester'] (see RequestChargedType)
  • replication_status: ReplicationStatusType
  • parts_count: int
  • object_lock_mode: ObjectLockModeType
  • object_lock_retain_until_date: datetime
  • object_lock_legal_hold_status: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  • bucket_name: str
  • key: str
  • meta: S3ResourceMeta

Object methods#

Object.Acl method#

Creates a ObjectAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Acl method. boto3 documentation

# Acl method definition

def Acl(
) -> ObjectAcl:

Object.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

Object.MultipartUpload method#

Creates a MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload method definition

def MultipartUpload(
    id: str,
) -> MultipartUpload:

Object.Version method#

Creates a ObjectVersion resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Version method. boto3 documentation

# Version method definition

def Version(
    id: str,
) -> ObjectVersion:

Object.copy method#

Copy an object from one S3 location to this object.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").copy method. boto3 documentation

# copy method definition

def copy(
    CopySource: CopySourceTypeDef,  # (1)
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    SourceClient: Optional[BaseClient] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
  1. See CopySourceTypeDef
# copy method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ObjectCopyRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "CopySource": ...,

  1. See ObjectCopyRequestTypeDef

Object.copy_from method#

Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").copy_from method. boto3 documentation

# copy_from method definition

def copy_from(
    CopySource: str,
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfMatch: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    CopySourceIfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    MetadataDirective: MetadataDirectiveType = ...,  # (3)
    TaggingDirective: TaggingDirectiveType = ...,  # (4)
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (5)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (6)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (7)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (8)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (9)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ExpectedSourceBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> CopyObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (10)
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  3. See MetadataDirectiveType
  4. See TaggingDirectiveType
  5. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  6. See StorageClassType
  7. See RequestPayerType
  8. See ObjectLockModeType
  9. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  10. See CopyObjectOutputTypeDef
# copy_from method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CopyObjectRequestObjectCopyFromTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "CopySource": ...,

  1. See CopyObjectRequestObjectCopyFromTypeDef

Object.delete method#

Removes an object from a bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    MFA: str = ...,
    VersionId: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    BypassGovernanceRetention: bool = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> DeleteObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See DeleteObjectOutputTypeDef
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteObjectRequestObjectDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "MFA": ...,

  1. See DeleteObjectRequestObjectDeleteTypeDef

Object.download_file method#

Download an S3 object to a file.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").download_file method. boto3 documentation

# download_file method definition

def download_file(
    Filename: str,
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# download_file method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ObjectDownloadFileRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Filename": ...,

  1. See ObjectDownloadFileRequestTypeDef

Object.download_fileobj method#

Download this object from S3 to a file-like object.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").download_fileobj method. boto3 documentation

# download_fileobj method definition

def download_fileobj(
    Fileobj: Union[IO[Any], StreamingBody],
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# download_fileobj method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ObjectDownloadFileobjRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Fileobj": ...,

  1. See ObjectDownloadFileobjRequestTypeDef

Object.get method#

Retrieves an object from Amazon S3.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get method. boto3 documentation

# get method definition

def get(
    IfMatch: str = ...,
    IfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    IfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    IfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    Range: str = ...,
    ResponseCacheControl: str = ...,
    ResponseContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ResponseContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ResponseContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ResponseContentType: str = ...,
    ResponseExpires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    VersionId: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    PartNumber: int = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumMode: ChecksumModeType = ...,  # (2)
) -> GetObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See ChecksumModeType
  3. See GetObjectOutputTypeDef
# get method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: GetObjectRequestObjectGetTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "IfMatch": ...,

  1. See GetObjectRequestObjectGetTypeDef

Object.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

Object.initiate_multipart_upload method#

This action initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").initiate_multipart_upload method. boto3 documentation

# initiate_multipart_upload method definition

def initiate_multipart_upload(
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (2)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (3)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (4)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (5)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (6)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (7)
) -> MultipartUpload:
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  3. See StorageClassType
  4. See RequestPayerType
  5. See ObjectLockModeType
  6. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  7. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# initiate_multipart_upload method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateMultipartUploadRequestObjectInitiateMultipartUploadTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See CreateMultipartUploadRequestObjectInitiateMultipartUploadTypeDef

Object.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.head_object to update the attributes of the Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

Object.put method#

Adds an object to a bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    Body: Union[str, bytes, IO[Any], StreamingBody] = ...,
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentLength: int = ...,
    ContentMD5: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumCRC32: str = ...,
    ChecksumCRC32C: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA1: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA256: str = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (3)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (4)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (5)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (6)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (7)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> PutObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (8)
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  3. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  4. See StorageClassType
  5. See RequestPayerType
  6. See ObjectLockModeType
  7. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  8. See PutObjectOutputTypeDef
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutObjectRequestObjectPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See PutObjectRequestObjectPutTypeDef

Object.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.head_object to update the attributes of the Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:

Object.restore_object method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").restore_object method. boto3 documentation

# restore_object method definition

def restore_object(
    VersionId: str = ...,
    RestoreRequest: RestoreRequestTypeDef = ...,  # (1)
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (3)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> RestoreObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (4)
  1. See RestoreRequestTypeDef
  2. See RequestPayerType
  3. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  4. See RestoreObjectOutputTypeDef
# restore_object method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: RestoreObjectRequestObjectRestoreObjectTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "VersionId": ...,

  1. See RestoreObjectRequestObjectRestoreObjectTypeDef

Object.upload_file method#

Upload a file to an S3 object.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").upload_file method. boto3 documentation

# upload_file method definition

def upload_file(
    Filename: str,
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# upload_file method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ObjectUploadFileRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Filename": ...,

  1. See ObjectUploadFileRequestTypeDef

Object.upload_fileobj method#

Upload a file-like object to this object.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").upload_fileobj method. boto3 documentation

# upload_fileobj method definition

def upload_fileobj(
    Fileobj: Union[IO[Any], StreamingBody],
    ExtraArgs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ...,
    Callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
    Config: Optional[TransferConfig] = ...,
) -> None:
# upload_fileobj method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: ObjectUploadFileobjRequestTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "Fileobj": ...,

  1. See ObjectUploadFileobjRequestTypeDef

Object.wait_until_exists method#

Waits until this Object is exists.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").wait_until_exists method. boto3 documentation

# wait_until_exists method definition

def wait_until_exists(
) -> None:

Object.wait_until_not_exists method#

Waits until this Object is not exists.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").wait_until_not_exists method. boto3 documentation

# wait_until_not_exists method definition

def wait_until_not_exists(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").ObjectAcl class. boto3 documentation

# ObjectAcl usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import ObjectAcl

def get_resource() -> ObjectAcl:
    return boto3.resource("s3").ObjectAcl(...)

ObjectAcl attributes#

ObjectAcl methods#

ObjectAcl.Object method#

Creates a Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object method. boto3 documentation

# Object method definition

def Object(
) -> Object:

ObjectAcl.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

ObjectAcl.load method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_object_acl to update the attributes of the ObjectAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

ObjectAcl.put method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    AccessControlPolicy: AccessControlPolicyTypeDef = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (3)
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWrite: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (4)
    VersionId: str = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> PutObjectAclOutputTypeDef:  # (5)
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See AccessControlPolicyTypeDef
  3. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  4. See RequestPayerType
  5. See PutObjectAclOutputTypeDef
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutObjectAclRequestObjectAclPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See PutObjectAclRequestObjectAclPutTypeDef

ObjectAcl.reload method#

Calls 🇵🇾meth:S3.Client.get_object_acl to update the attributes of the ObjectAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").reload method. boto3 documentation

# reload method definition

def reload(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").ObjectSummary class. boto3 documentation

# ObjectSummary usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import ObjectSummary

def get_resource() -> ObjectSummary:
    return boto3.resource("s3").ObjectSummary(...)

ObjectSummary attributes#

ObjectSummary methods#

ObjectSummary.Acl method#

Creates a ObjectAcl resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Acl method. boto3 documentation

# Acl method definition

def Acl(
) -> ObjectAcl:

ObjectSummary.Bucket method#

Creates a Bucket resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Bucket method. boto3 documentation

# Bucket method definition

def Bucket(
) -> Bucket:

ObjectSummary.MultipartUpload method#

Creates a MultipartUpload resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").MultipartUpload method. boto3 documentation

# MultipartUpload method definition

def MultipartUpload(
    id: str,
) -> MultipartUpload:

ObjectSummary.Object method#

Creates a Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object method. boto3 documentation

# Object method definition

def Object(
) -> Object:

ObjectSummary.Version method#

Creates a ObjectVersion resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Version method. boto3 documentation

# Version method definition

def Version(
    id: str,
) -> ObjectVersion:

ObjectSummary.copy_from method#

Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").copy_from method. boto3 documentation

# copy_from method definition

def copy_from(
    CopySource: str,
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfMatch: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    CopySourceIfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    MetadataDirective: MetadataDirectiveType = ...,  # (3)
    TaggingDirective: TaggingDirectiveType = ...,  # (4)
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (5)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (6)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (7)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (8)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (9)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ExpectedSourceBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> CopyObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (10)
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  3. See MetadataDirectiveType
  4. See TaggingDirectiveType
  5. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  6. See StorageClassType
  7. See RequestPayerType
  8. See ObjectLockModeType
  9. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  10. See CopyObjectOutputTypeDef
# copy_from method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CopyObjectRequestObjectSummaryCopyFromTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "CopySource": ...,

  1. See CopyObjectRequestObjectSummaryCopyFromTypeDef

ObjectSummary.delete method#

Removes an object from a bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    MFA: str = ...,
    VersionId: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    BypassGovernanceRetention: bool = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> DeleteObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See DeleteObjectOutputTypeDef
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteObjectRequestObjectSummaryDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "MFA": ...,

  1. See DeleteObjectRequestObjectSummaryDeleteTypeDef

ObjectSummary.get method#

Retrieves an object from Amazon S3.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get method. boto3 documentation

# get method definition

def get(
    IfMatch: str = ...,
    IfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    IfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    IfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    Range: str = ...,
    ResponseCacheControl: str = ...,
    ResponseContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ResponseContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ResponseContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ResponseContentType: str = ...,
    ResponseExpires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    VersionId: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    PartNumber: int = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumMode: ChecksumModeType = ...,  # (2)
) -> GetObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See ChecksumModeType
  3. See GetObjectOutputTypeDef
# get method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: GetObjectRequestObjectSummaryGetTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "IfMatch": ...,

  1. See GetObjectRequestObjectSummaryGetTypeDef

ObjectSummary.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

ObjectSummary.initiate_multipart_upload method#

This action initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").initiate_multipart_upload method. boto3 documentation

# initiate_multipart_upload method definition

def initiate_multipart_upload(
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (2)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (3)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (4)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (5)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (6)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (7)
) -> MultipartUpload:
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  3. See StorageClassType
  4. See RequestPayerType
  5. See ObjectLockModeType
  6. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  7. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
# initiate_multipart_upload method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: CreateMultipartUploadRequestObjectSummaryInitiateMultipartUploadTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See CreateMultipartUploadRequestObjectSummaryInitiateMultipartUploadTypeDef

ObjectSummary.load method#

Calls s3.Client.head_object to update the attributes of the ObjectSummary resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").load method. boto3 documentation

# load method definition

def load(
) -> None:

ObjectSummary.put method#

Adds an object to a bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").put method. boto3 documentation

# put method definition

def put(
    ACL: ObjectCannedACLType = ...,  # (1)
    Body: Union[str, bytes, IO[Any], StreamingBody] = ...,
    CacheControl: str = ...,
    ContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ContentLength: int = ...,
    ContentMD5: str = ...,
    ContentType: str = ...,
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumCRC32: str = ...,
    ChecksumCRC32C: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA1: str = ...,
    ChecksumSHA256: str = ...,
    Expires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    GrantFullControl: str = ...,
    GrantRead: str = ...,
    GrantReadACP: str = ...,
    GrantWriteACP: str = ...,
    Metadata: Mapping[str, str] = ...,
    ServerSideEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionType = ...,  # (3)
    StorageClass: StorageClassType = ...,  # (4)
    WebsiteRedirectLocation: str = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    SSEKMSKeyId: str = ...,
    SSEKMSEncryptionContext: str = ...,
    BucketKeyEnabled: bool = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (5)
    Tagging: str = ...,
    ObjectLockMode: ObjectLockModeType = ...,  # (6)
    ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType = ...,  # (7)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> PutObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (8)
  1. See ObjectCannedACLType
  2. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  3. See ServerSideEncryptionType
  4. See StorageClassType
  5. See RequestPayerType
  6. See ObjectLockModeType
  7. See ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusType
  8. See PutObjectOutputTypeDef
# put method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: PutObjectRequestObjectSummaryPutTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "ACL": ...,

  1. See PutObjectRequestObjectSummaryPutTypeDef

ObjectSummary.restore_object method#


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").restore_object method. boto3 documentation

# restore_object method definition

def restore_object(
    VersionId: str = ...,
    RestoreRequest: RestoreRequestTypeDef = ...,  # (1)
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (2)
    ChecksumAlgorithm: ChecksumAlgorithmType = ...,  # (3)
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> RestoreObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (4)
  1. See RestoreRequestTypeDef
  2. See RequestPayerType
  3. See ChecksumAlgorithmType
  4. See RestoreObjectOutputTypeDef
# restore_object method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: RestoreObjectRequestObjectSummaryRestoreObjectTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "VersionId": ...,

  1. See RestoreObjectRequestObjectSummaryRestoreObjectTypeDef

ObjectSummary.wait_until_exists method#

Waits until this ObjectSummary is exists.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").wait_until_exists method. boto3 documentation

# wait_until_exists method definition

def wait_until_exists(
) -> None:

ObjectSummary.wait_until_not_exists method#

Waits until this ObjectSummary is not exists.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").wait_until_not_exists method. boto3 documentation

# wait_until_not_exists method definition

def wait_until_not_exists(
) -> None:


Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").ObjectVersion class. boto3 documentation

# ObjectVersion usage example

from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import ObjectVersion

def get_resource() -> ObjectVersion:
    return boto3.resource("s3").ObjectVersion(...)

ObjectVersion attributes#

ObjectVersion methods#

ObjectVersion.Object method#

Creates a Object resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").Object method. boto3 documentation

# Object method definition

def Object(
) -> Object:

ObjectVersion.delete method#

Removes an object from a bucket.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").delete method. boto3 documentation

# delete method definition

def delete(
    MFA: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    BypassGovernanceRetention: bool = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
) -> DeleteObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (2)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See DeleteObjectOutputTypeDef
# delete method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: DeleteObjectRequestObjectVersionDeleteTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "MFA": ...,

  1. See DeleteObjectRequestObjectVersionDeleteTypeDef

ObjectVersion.get method#

Retrieves an object from Amazon S3.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get method. boto3 documentation

# get method definition

def get(
    IfMatch: str = ...,
    IfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    IfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    IfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    Range: str = ...,
    ResponseCacheControl: str = ...,
    ResponseContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ResponseContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ResponseContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ResponseContentType: str = ...,
    ResponseExpires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    PartNumber: int = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumMode: ChecksumModeType = ...,  # (2)
) -> GetObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See ChecksumModeType
  3. See GetObjectOutputTypeDef
# get method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: GetObjectRequestObjectVersionGetTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "IfMatch": ...,

  1. See GetObjectRequestObjectVersionGetTypeDef

ObjectVersion.get_available_subresources method#

Returns a list of all the available sub-resources for this Resource.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").get_available_subresources method. boto3 documentation

# get_available_subresources method definition

def get_available_subresources(
) -> Sequence[str]:

ObjectVersion.head method#

The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself.

Type annotations and code completion for boto3.resource("s3").head method. boto3 documentation

# head method definition

def head(
    IfMatch: str = ...,
    IfModifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    IfNoneMatch: str = ...,
    IfUnmodifiedSince: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    Range: str = ...,
    ResponseCacheControl: str = ...,
    ResponseContentDisposition: str = ...,
    ResponseContentEncoding: str = ...,
    ResponseContentLanguage: str = ...,
    ResponseContentType: str = ...,
    ResponseExpires: Union[datetime, str] = ...,
    SSECustomerAlgorithm: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKey: str = ...,
    SSECustomerKeyMD5: str = ...,
    RequestPayer: RequestPayerType = ...,  # (1)
    PartNumber: int = ...,
    ExpectedBucketOwner: str = ...,
    ChecksumMode: ChecksumModeType = ...,  # (2)
) -> HeadObjectOutputTypeDef:  # (3)
  1. See RequestPayerType
  2. See ChecksumModeType
  3. See HeadObjectOutputTypeDef
# head method usage example with argument unpacking

kwargs: HeadObjectRequestObjectVersionHeadTypeDef = {  # (1)
    "IfMatch": ...,

  1. See HeadObjectRequestObjectVersionHeadTypeDef