LocationServicePlacesV2 module#
Index > LocationServicePlacesV2
Auto-generated documentation for LocationServicePlacesV2 type annotations stubs module mypy-boto3-geo-places.
How to install#
Generate locally (recommended)#
You can generate type annotations for boto3
package locally with mypy-boto3-builder
Use uv for build isolation.
- Run mypy-boto3-builder in your package root directory:
uvx --with 'boto3==1.37.3' mypy-boto3-builder
- Select
AWS SDK. - Add
service. - Use provided commands to install generated packages.
VSCode extension#
Add AWS Boto3
extension to your VSCode and run AWS boto3: Quick Start
Click Modify
and select boto3 common
and LocationServicePlacesV2
From PyPI with pip#
Install boto3-stubs
for LocationServicePlacesV2
# install with boto3 type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[geo-places]'
# Lite version does not provide session.client/resource overloads
# it is more RAM-friendly, but requires explicit type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[geo-places]'
# standalone installation
python -m pip install mypy-boto3-geo-places
How to uninstall#
python -m pip uninstall -y mypy-boto3-geo-places
Code samples can be found in Examples.
Type annotations and code completion for boto3.client("geo-places")
as LocationServicePlacesV2Client
boto3 documentation
# LocationServicePlacesV2Client usage example
from boto3.session import Session
from mypy_boto3_geo_places.client import LocationServicePlacesV2Client
def get_client() -> LocationServicePlacesV2Client:
return Session().client("geo-places")
Type annotations for literals used in methods and schema.
# AutocompleteAdditionalFeatureType usage example
from mypy_boto3_geo_places.literals import AutocompleteAdditionalFeatureType
def get_value() -> AutocompleteAdditionalFeatureType:
return "Core"
- AutocompleteAdditionalFeatureType
- AutocompleteFilterPlaceTypeType
- AutocompleteIntendedUseType
- GeocodeAdditionalFeatureType
- GeocodeFilterPlaceTypeType
- GeocodeIntendedUseType
- GetPlaceAdditionalFeatureType
- GetPlaceIntendedUseType
- PlaceTypeType
- PostalAuthorityType
- PostalCodeModeType
- PostalCodeTypeType
- QueryTypeType
- RecordTypeCodeType
- ReverseGeocodeAdditionalFeatureType
- ReverseGeocodeFilterPlaceTypeType
- ReverseGeocodeIntendedUseType
- SearchNearbyAdditionalFeatureType
- SearchNearbyIntendedUseType
- SearchTextAdditionalFeatureType
- SearchTextIntendedUseType
- SuggestAdditionalFeatureType
- SuggestIntendedUseType
- SuggestResultItemTypeType
- TypePlacementType
- ZipClassificationCodeType
- LocationServicePlacesV2ServiceName
- ServiceName
- ResourceServiceName
Type definitions#
Type annotations for type definitions used in methods and schema.
- AccessPointTypeDef
- CategoryTypeDef
- AddressComponentMatchScoresTypeDef
- PhonemeTranscriptionTypeDef
- CountryTypeDef
- RegionTypeDef
- StreetComponentsTypeDef
- SubRegionTypeDef
- HighlightTypeDef
- FilterCircleTypeDef
- ResponseMetadataTypeDef
- BusinessChainTypeDef
- FoodTypeTypeDef
- GeocodeFilterTypeDef
- GeocodeQueryComponentsTypeDef
- TimeZoneTypeDef
- GetPlaceRequestTypeDef
- OpeningHoursComponentsTypeDef
- UspsZipPlus4TypeDef
- UspsZipTypeDef
- QueryRefinementTypeDef
- ReverseGeocodeFilterTypeDef
- SearchNearbyFilterTypeDef
- SuggestQueryResultTypeDef
- AccessRestrictionTypeDef
- ContactDetailsTypeDef
- ComponentMatchScoresTypeDef
- AddressComponentPhonemesTypeDef
- AddressTypeDef
- CountryHighlightsTypeDef
- RegionHighlightsTypeDef
- SubRegionHighlightsTypeDef
- SuggestAddressHighlightsTypeDef
- AutocompleteFilterTypeDef
- SearchTextFilterTypeDef
- SuggestFilterTypeDef
- GeocodeRequestTypeDef
- OpeningHoursTypeDef
- PostalCodeDetailsTypeDef
- ReverseGeocodeRequestTypeDef
- SearchNearbyRequestTypeDef
- ContactsTypeDef
- MatchScoreDetailsTypeDef
- PhonemeDetailsTypeDef
- AutocompleteAddressHighlightsTypeDef
- SuggestHighlightsTypeDef
- AutocompleteRequestTypeDef
- SearchTextRequestTypeDef
- SuggestRequestTypeDef
- ReverseGeocodeResultItemTypeDef
- GeocodeResultItemTypeDef
- GetPlaceResponseTypeDef
- SearchNearbyResultItemTypeDef
- SearchTextResultItemTypeDef
- SuggestPlaceResultTypeDef
- AutocompleteHighlightsTypeDef
- ReverseGeocodeResponseTypeDef
- GeocodeResponseTypeDef
- SearchNearbyResponseTypeDef
- SearchTextResponseTypeDef
- SuggestResultItemTypeDef
- AutocompleteResultItemTypeDef
- SuggestResponseTypeDef
- AutocompleteResponseTypeDef